Goose Glitters Artist Collab ✨ ​​​​​​​​

I’m so excited to share with you guys the first Sorrell Jewels artist collaboration with the amazing Laura A.K.A @gooseglitters. After meeting Laura at a Christmas market last year, I was instantly drawn to her beautiful collages made from vintage paper and books. Laura also uses glitter A LOT, and of course I’m a fan of literally anything that sparkles. Our combined love of all things vintage and shimmery, made this collaboration instantly a match made in heaven.

I commissioned Laura to create three different designs inspired by all things Sorrell Jewels. Firstly, a collage to celebrate and promote the launch of the valentines themed monthly ring box. Then one to commemorate the first day of spring and the main man in my life Elliot, my dog. The third design is the brand new Sorrell Jewels thank you postcard which goes out with each and every order. This is the perfect collage, and encapsulates my brand and represents it perfectly.

Working with Laura was a dream, from offering different creative ideas and suggestions, to really encapsulating my brand in each and every collage. I would highly recommend her to any other small businesses looking to work with artists.

This image is a vintage paper collage created by Laura Goosens. It is a picture of a terrier in a field with a layered floral design to it and rings in the foreground.

Earlier this year I came across a ring in the shape of a pair of scissors ✂️ If you don’t already follow Laura (which you should) you will know that the scissors emoji is 100% her most commonly used. It’s such a treat when you come across the perfect ring and someone’s face instantly pops into your head.

Not only is Laura a brilliant and talented artist, she also runs amazing workshops where you can create your own vintage collage. I was lucky enough to take part on a Sunday during the summer with my mum and cousin. It was a fantastic morning, filled with cutting, sticking, chatting, cups of tea and lots of lovely people. Being able to spend time, selecting things from vintage papers that stood out to each of us, constructing and experimenting with layouts and picking out our own vintage frames to complete the piece. Laura is a fantastic teacher, was very kind and patient and I highly recommend getting yourself booked in via her website.

I can’t wait to see what Laura does next! Collaborating with another creative is so much fun and I’m looking forward to the next. If you are interested in working with Sorrell Jewels, drop me an email and let’s make it happen. 

Thanks so much for reading

Lots of Love, Emily 


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